Speech & Language

We provide a wide range of helpful products to assist educators, psychologists, counselors, and more.

Test of Oral Structures and Functions (TOSF)

The TOSF systematically assesses oral structures and motor integrity during verbal and nonverbal oral functioning and is effective for such uses as screening, differential diagnosis, caseload management decisions, and pre or post treatment assessment. Descriptive information and expected subtest performance given for Dysarthria, Apraxia, Broca's Aphasia, Velopharyngeal Incompetence-Insufficiency, and functional disorders.

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Stuttering Severity Instrument - Fourth Edition (SSI-4)

SSI-4: Stuttering Severity Instrument - Fourth Edition is a reliable and valid norm-referenced stuttering assessment that can be used for both clinical and search purposes. It has four components, each of which is used to assess and monitor the stuttering severity in both children and adults for clinical and research use: (1) Examiner's Manual and Picture Plates, (2) Test Record and Frequency Computation Forms, (3) Subjective Stuttering Scales, and (4) Computerized Scoring of Stuttering Severity (Software Version 2.0). The SSI-4 can also be used in conjunction with the Stuttering Prediction Instruments for Young Children (SPI).

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Sequenced Inventory of Communication Development - Revised (SICD-R)

The SICD-R is a diagnostic test that evaluates the communication abilities of children with and without disability who are functioning between 4 months and 4 years of age. It can be used in remedial programming of the young child with language disorders, intellectual disability, and specific language problems. It has been used successfully with children with sensory impairments and with children with varying degrees of disabilities. The engaging manipulatives in the SICD-R help you maintain the child's cooperation. The Test Manual documents validity and reliability, and the Instruction Manual presents administration directions.

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Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test - Third Edition (SPELT-3)

By giving speech-language pathologists a systematic way to sample specific language forms, the SPELT-3 targets the assessment of morphology and syntax (morphosyntax) skills in children.

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Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test - Preschool 2 (SPELT-P2)

Probe a child's ability to generate early developing morphological and syntactic forms with the SPELT-P2. This new edition includes an expanded discussion of test scoring, test interpretation, and the standardization procedures.

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Slosson Articulation Language Test with Phonology (SALT-P)

The test model of the SALT-P incorporates the assessment of Articulation, Phonology, and Language into a single score that indicates the communicative competency of the child. Using norm referencing, the child's score is compared to an index of scores which denotes normal performance with respect to chronological age.

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Stuttering Therapy Step-By-Step: Revised (STSS-R)

Endorsed by leading experts, the STSS-R has been hailed by many speech-language pathologists as a user friendly and very effective method for treating both children and adult stutterers. Ten years in the making, this state-of-the-art program merges speech science, human psychology, and 20 years of active experience in over 200 pages. The therapy premise is that for the vast majority, stuttering is a deeply ingrained habit involving the use of "voluntary" muscles which can be brought under one's own control.

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Slosson Phonics and Structural Analysis Test


The study of letter-sound relationships and the examinations of words for meaningful parts, are necessary skills for children to acquire if they are to become independent readers. The SP-SAT was designed for teachers, reading specialists, special education teachers, speech/language pathologists, and other familiar with phonics and structural analysis.

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Auditory Processing Abilities Test (APAT)

The Auditory Processing Abilities Test is a nationally standardized, norm-referenced auditory processing battery for use with children ages 5-0 through 12-11 it may be used in the identification of children who are at risk or who may be experiencing Auditory Processing Disorder (APD). The APAT was developed using a model based on a hierarchy of auditory processing skills that are basic to listening and processing spoken language. These skills range from sensation to memory to cohesion. The battery is designed primarily to be used by speech-language pathologists but may also be used by other professionals such as learning disabilities specialists, psychologists, and resource specialists.

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Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing Program for Reading, Spelling and Speech - Fourth Edition (LIPS-4)

The LIPS-4 is a comprehensive multisensory program that uses explicit, systematic instruction to develop phonological awareness, decoding, spelling, and reading skills. The goal of LIPS-4 is to develop fluent readers and competent spellers.

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Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol (K-SLP)

The K-SLP is a way of teaching children with apraxia of speech the easiest way of saying words until they have increased motor-speech coordination. They are actually taught the shell of words without including too many of the complex consonants, vowels, or syllables which make a word too difficult to even attempt on a motor basis.

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Get on Board (GOB)

Now your students can GET ON BOARD with their good speech sounds! This colorful adventure game is for students who have corrected production of their target sounds and now need some practice using the sounds in varying positions in sentences. By using a fun trivia question format, students will forget they are practicing, which gives the SLP the opportunity to see how well the sound is becoming incorporated into natural conversational speech.

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