Kindergarten / Early Education

We provide a wide range of helpful products to assist educators, psychologists, counselors, and more.

Kindergarten Readiness Test 2nd Edition (KRT-2 LARSON)

Specifically designed for professionals and parents concerned with the question, "Is this child ready to begin school?", the Kindergarten Readiness Test 2nd Edition (KRT-2 LARSON) is an assessment tool developed to measure a child's functioning through various developmental tasks. The KRT-2 LARSON consolidates critical areas of developmental tests into one single form, making identification of school readiness more efficient and valid.

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Cognitive Assessment of Young Children (CAYC)

The Cognitive Assessment of Young Children (CAYC) is a newly developed easy-to-administer screening and assessment tool used to identify children with developmental delays. It is based on the same reliable, successful, theoretical model upon which the DASI (Developmental Activities Screening Inventory) and DASI-II were both designed.

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Test of Early Written Language - Third Edition (TEWL-3)

The TEWL-3 is a revision of one of the few measures of written language expression in children. Now suitable for individual assessment with children ages 4-0 to 11-11, it is grounded in current research on developing literacy abilities. Because research has shown that mechanics and content are equally important to overall literacy aptitude, these areas are equally assessed. Each subtest contains two equivalent forms (Form A and Form B) so you can easily monitor a child's improvement by retesting.

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Test of Preschool Early Literacy (TOPEL)

Children entering kindergarten or first grade are expected to have sufficient knowledge of vocabulary, phonological awareness, and print knowledge. TOPEL is a theoretically sound instrument designed to identify preschoolers who are at risk for literacy problems; therefore, allowing early intervention. It is easy to administer; early childhood educators, special educators, psychologists, diagnosticians, and other professionals who are interested in examine skills related to early literacy can administer the test.

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Infant-Toddler Developmental Assessment - 2nd Edition (IDA-2)

The Infant-Toddler Developmental Assessment-Second Edition (IDA-2) is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, family-centered six-phase process designed to identify children birth to 3 years of age who are developmentally at risk. The IDA-2 includes the Provence Birth-to-Three Developmental Profile, a criterion-referenced measure of development in eight areas: (1) gross motor, (2) fine motor, (3) relationship to inanimate objects, (4) language/communication, (5) self-help, (6) relationship to persons, (7) emotions and feeling states, and (8) coping behavior.

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Say & Sign Language Program (SSLP)

The SSLP is a program that addresses articulation skills, speech production, basic sign language skills, and finger spelling. This program gives hearing students a gentle introduction to the silent world through The Chimpanzee Who Couldn't Grunt or Yell, a book illustrated in signed English. The book is designed to be read to both large and small groups who may then practice the finger/work signs on each pages.

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Birth to Three Assessment & Intervention System - 2nd Edition

The Birth to Three Assessment and Intervention System - Second Edition (BTAIS-2) is now completely revised and updated to provide examiners with an integrated, three-component system for screening, assessing, and intervening with children age birth to three.

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Kindergarten Essential Skills Assessment (KESA)

The KESA supports early identification and intervention for children who are at risk for kindergarten retention and special education referral. It can help providers determine the need for additional classroom support and/or further evaluation. The KESA works well as a global screener and can provide the teacher with a snapshot of the range of skills and challenges in a class, or specifically for children who are at known risk or present with early struggles and may need special education.

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Test of Preschool Vocabulary (TOPV)

The Test of Preschool Vocabulary (TOPV) is an easy-to-administer test that is appealing to preschoolers. The TOPV encourages children to share the words they know. The test measures children's ability to recognize (receive) and use (express) single words that represent all parts of speech and a variety of basic concepts (things, events, experiences, temporality, relational, and substantive processes, and relative position). The words tested are ordered by difficulty level, progressing from familiar words and concepts to less familiar ones.

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Test of Early Communication and Emerging Language (TECEL)

The TECEL assesses early communication and emerging language in infants and toddlers up to 24 months of age. It can also be used with older children who have moderate to severe language delays. In the hands of speech-language pathologists, early childhood specialists, diagnosticians, psychologists, and related professionals, the TECEL can  be used to: (1) Assess communication and language strengths and weaknesses; (2) Design intervention plans; and (3) Predict future language development

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Developmental Tasks for Kindergarten Readiness - II (DTKR-II)

The DTKR-II provides objective data on a child's skills and abilities as they relate to successful performance in kindergarten. It is used for both screening and diagnostic-prescriptive purposes. The results can be used by school personnel to plan remedial instructional programs and/or to make adjustments in the kindergarten curriculum when the child enter school.

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Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales - 2nd Edition (PKBS-2)

The Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales - Second Edition (PKBS-2) is a behavior rating scale designed for use with children ages 3 through 6 years. This unique behavior rating scale is easy to use, very practical, and based on a solid foundation of research. With 76 items on two separate scales, it provides an integrated and functional appraisal of the social skills and problems behaviors of young children. The scales can be completed by a variety of behavioral informants, such as parents, teachers, and other caregivers.

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Early Question Skills (EQS)

Early Question Skills (EQS) is a companion text to Question Cognition. It presents early question skills for the student who is not able to respond appropriately to questions presented in Question Cognition. EQS is concerned with helping the child deal with communication breakdowns which occur. It is appropriate for students with very low language or disordered language. It may also be used with students who are learning English as a second language.

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The Bees and the Bears (BB)

The Bees and the Bears, a critical elements curriculum, trains linguistic rules for critical elements in the construction of noun phrases, prepositional phrases, simple sentences, compound phrases, and complex sentences. It may be used with ESOL students, cochlear implant clients, the hearing-impaired population including the profoundly hearing impaired, and any client with delayed or disordered language.

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