The ELT-2: NU consists of four components: an Examiner's Manual, Examiner Record Booklets, a Stimuli Book, and one set of Picture Sequence Cards. The Examiner's Manual includes a comprehensive discussion of the test's theoretical and research-based foundation, item development, standardization, administration and scoring procedures, norm tables, and guidelines for using and interpreting the test's results. The Examiner Record Booklet provides space to record responses; transform raw scores to age equivalents, percentile ranks, and scaled scores; and calculate the Expressive Language Index. The test kit also includes a Stimuli Book, which includes the items for the Sequencing and Morphology/Syntax subtests and the Picture Sequence Cards for the Sequencing subtest.
Reliability and validity studies were conducted with individuals with typical language ability and individuals who had be previously diagnosed with a language impairment or received other special education services. The average coefficient alpha ranges between .78 and .83 for the subtests and is .93 for the Expressive Language Index. Studies were conducted to examine the test's ability to differentiate students who have language impairments from those who do not. The results demonstrate that an Expressive Language Index cutoff score of 90 resulted in a sensitivity of .72 and a specificity of .79 and a ROC/AUC of .72.
The ELT-2:NU measures spoken language expression and flexibility. This assessment is unique in that the language skills tested are those commonly identified by researchers, teachers, and clinicians as the most predictive of classroom learning difficulty.
The test has four subtests (Sequencing, Metalinguistics, Morphology/Syntax, and Defining Categories). Its results can help identify those children with true expressive language disorders and reduce the chance of over-identification.