The EASY-OT Complete Kit includes:

  • Unlimited-USE CD (PC Required)*
  • Manual
  • Test Templates (Set of 18)
  • Assessment Forms (One for each version)
  • Screening Form
  • Annual Report Form
  • Sensory Processing Skills Addendum A
  • Life Skills Addendum B

Six Verbal Cognitive Domains:

  1. General Information (GI) - reflects the learning of cultural knowledge, much of which is not explicitly or directly taught (29 items)
  2. Comprehension (CO) - a cognitive domain testing one's knowledge of social behavior, "common sense" and ability to interpret and saying and proverbs (33 items)
  3. Quantitative (QN) - the ability to do mental calculations, remember the essential numbers, determine the arithmetic process needed to calculate the correct answers (34 items)
  4. Similarities & Differences (SD) - testing one's skill in determining common attributes of two dissimilar things or concepts and some uncommon attributes (30 items)
  5. Vocabulary (VO) - the ability to use, understand and define words orally. Communication skills are dependent on vocabulary ability (33 items)
  6. Auditory Memory (AM) - ability to remember and repeat a random series of digits correctly, both forward and backward, as well as several sentences (28 items)

about this KIT

Developed by occupational therapists, the EASY-OT is an assessment tool that lives up to its name. With four different developmental assessment forms made for students from preschool through high school, as well as those who are severe and profound, autistic, physically disabled and low functioning, each version looks at the areas of fine-motor, gross-motor, visual perceptual, visual-motor and self-help skills. All the Assessment Forms (except Low-Functioning) contain a chart for recording observations about the students being tested.

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